How To Make A Primitive Survival Lamp

A few years back, in the dark days before the Internet, I decided to take the canoe out and do some camping on a lake.  It was one of those fall days where the air is crisp and cool, the wind was still and the surface of the lake looked like a piece of glass... Continue Reading →

Will The Negan’s Take Over After TSHTF?

Recently I polled a Facebook group asking about bug-out vs bug-in.  The overwhelming response was that people wanted - or had to - bug-in.  Wanted to because it's the smart thing to do, or had to because of physical issues. But one interesting person wrote back saying they believe that in parts of the country... Continue Reading →

A Frank Discussion About Prepping

If you're reading this the chances are good you've given some thought to SHTF events and how you'll get you and your family through a myriad of possible events.  In my mind the biggest question is: "Are we prepping for nothing?" Is there really a chance society could collapse and cause a SHTF event of... Continue Reading →

The Main Reason To Prep

Why is that you spend so much time prepping?  You stock food, water, guns and ammo, items to barter, first aid supplies, and some even store nails, boards, tools, and so on.  You know that society could collapse at any moment, or that a solar flare could send us back to the stone age, or... Continue Reading →

Bugging Out To The Wilderness

Is it possible to bug-out to the wilderness when disaster strikes?  To grab your bug-out bag and hit the woods to get away from whatever the world or society is throwing at you? The common consensus is that it can't be done.  Don't even try because you'll wind up a moldy corpse discovered ten years... Continue Reading →

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