Why Coronal Mass Ejection and EMP Is The Biggest Threat To The Grid

I was listening to the Survivalist Prepper podcast the other day and he was interviewing Matthew Stein about the threat of an EMP.  Here's the podcasts if you'd like to listen:  EMP’s, CME’s and Nuclear Meltdown With Matthew Stein and EMP’s, CME’s and Nuclear Meltdown With Matthew Stein Part 2.   Matt Stein has done a lot of... Continue Reading →

What People Are Prepping For in 2018

Social media can be good for various things.  You can connect with people who are interested in the same things you are, keep in touch with friends and family, or in my case take an informal poll of what people are prepping for. Here's what I posted to start the conversation: What's the most likely... Continue Reading →

Creating a Bug-Out or Bug-In Plan

You've looked around at the state of the world today and decided you don't like the way things are looking.  You're researching web sites that give you all kinds of conflicting information about what to do and what not to do.  Some advise you to bug-out, others advise you to bug-in.  Who's right? Here's the... Continue Reading →

Purifying Water In the Wilderness

After shelter water is the most important thing to acquire when surviving in the wilderness.  It used to be that there was plenty of fresh water safe to drink, but due to pollution and other man-made trouble very little water out there is safe to drink straight from the stream without being purified or filtered.... Continue Reading →

A Frank Discussion About Prepping

If you're reading this the chances are good you've given some thought to SHTF events and how you'll get you and your family through a myriad of possible events.  In my mind the biggest question is: "Are we prepping for nothing?" Is there really a chance society could collapse and cause a SHTF event of... Continue Reading →

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